The 3 Week Diet

Weight Loss Recipes That Effectual In 5 Days

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This is the recipe effectual lose weight in 5 days

Obesity is described as excessive fat storage in the body. This is dangerous to health and a major influence on the work of bodies such as the heart, kidneys, liver, joints, and others.

People who are overweight usually have a greater risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease. If you want to get rid of them, try some of these simple ingredients:

  • 1 lemon
  • 60 g parsley (Parsley is a plant commonly consumed by people of India and the people of the surrounding country. They are commonly consumed as a vegetable or mixed rice typical Indian (baryani) or mixed in the curry meat (either goat or cow) and The use also as a mixture of curry chicken)
  • 300 ml of water

Remember: different parsley with celery

Weight Loss Recipes
Method of preparation:
Squeeze lemon, parsley into small pieces, place in a bowl and add the water.

Weight Loss Recipes That Efectual in 5 Days

Every morning before breakfast consume this drink for five consecutive days. Then a pause of 10 days, then repeat the entire process.

Treatment with a break you can use until you feel the need to lose weight!

This mixture accelerates fat burning and meet the specific needs of vitamins and minerals in the body. Parsley improve digestion and reduce the body of excess fluid, eliminate swelling.

More information about weight loss recipes, please visit this page

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